How Mega-minds Solves Your 5 Major Pain Points


Save at least $60,000 per developer :

Does saving $60,000 per developer sound unrealistic?

Well, we don’t make this claim; our highly accomplished clients do:


Need Niche Developers?

No matter how niche the skills you need, we will find you your dream developer! Whether that is in .NET, PHP, Java, Mobile, Python, Big Data or WordPress.


Again, don’t take our word for it, we prefer to let our clients do the talking for us:

The developers that Larry Spencer, the VP of Application Development at Sceris, USA, wanted were so niche and skilled that he estimated he saved “$20,000-$30,000” per developer in just recruitment fees alone!


We don’t do donkey code!

Whether it’s building highly stable back-end software for insurance companies, robust websites for eCommerce websites or mobile apps that sync with servers that can take hundreds of thousands of requests , VE developers revel in a challenge, and embrace the opportunity to innovate and push boundaries:


Get Project Stability

One of the worst nightmares for any business owner or project manager is developers that keep jumping ship mid project. But, it’s a pain point Mega-minds clients don’t face. The following clients have all worked with their Mega-minds developers for more than 5 years! Quite a special feat in this day and age!


No More Recruitment Headaches

We don’t just get you high quality developers. We get you that talent fast and with no payroll or overhead needed! After all, you have a business to run.

Bob Hess, the CEO of Paragon Print systems, stated that hiring Mega-minds developers took simply a matter of days versus 6 months locally!

Get A-TO-Z Services From Your A-Team

Find a Developer for Every Need

Congrats! Your hunt for all kinds of web, mobile app, cloud & software services ends here.
Hire Mega-minds Developers who work for clients from 27 countries, 5 continents


Get specialists in various PHP frameworks, who have the expertise in technical aspects of up-to-the-minute PHP versions


Rope in skilled experts in .Net languages (C# & VB.NET), who know the basic working of.Net runtime and .Net class libraries


Mega-minds Software Developers cover all facets of the software development process, from researching and designing to programming


Build websites that will transform your business for good by hiring programmers who specialize in the development of web applications


The Java team you get from VE will take care of the full development lifecycle of applications – from concept, designing to testing


Launch enviable mobile apps and mobile software, thanks to Mega-minds Mobile App Developers, who are smart with all types of mobile technology


Use your pool of Zend Developers to create large web portals, like social media, e-Commerce, real estate and networking sites


They are well-versed and certified in key areas, like Document Object Model, CSS and HTML for presentation and dynamic usability


Leave it your Python Web Developers to write server-side web application logic by integrating their work in the Python application


They are specialists in front-end development. They are experts in HTML, CSS and Javascript, and are good with Drupal theme layers


Mega-minds Magento Developers have immense experience with Western clients in Magento Data Migration and Magento Theme Development


Your Mega-minds WordPress Developers are deft with plug-in development, theme development as well as WordPress customization

3 Principles We Passionately Believe in:

Mega-minds Developers have mastered the umbrella technology of Agile Development. That mastery came from real-life project experiences in association with clients from all over the world. Clients who felt tied down by traditional waterfall development tasted instant success with Mega-minds Agile Methodology experts.

The popular Agile Methodologies that Mega-minds Developers are smart with include:

  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Scrum
  • Crystal
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
  • Lean Development
  • Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
Technology is always moving fast and at Mega-minds, no developer is allowed to miss a single new update or any new technology. Even before our clients test our developers, we regularly test them ourselves, by making them take some of the toughest tests in the industry, to make sure they remain on top of the game! This means, none of the developers at VE are one-trick ponies. Versatile, quick learners and highly adaptable – Mega-minds developers remain sharp and updated.
Why does Mega-minds have the most case studies and testimonials in the entire industry? Is it because of our affordable rates? Our highly skilled developers? Our uncompromising professionalism? No. While all of these factors are important, the most important reason is – relationships. Business, first and foremost, is all about relationships.
Technology is always moving fast and at Mega-minds, no developer is allowed to miss a single new update or any new technology. Even before our clients test our developers, we regularly test them ourselves, by making them take some of the toughest tests in the industry, to make sure they remain on top of the game! This means, none of the developers at Mega-minds are one-trick ponies. Versatile, quick learners and highly adaptable – Mega-minds developers remain sharp and updated.

Why does Mega-minds have the most case studies and testimonials in the entire industry? Is it because of our affordable rates? Our highly skilled developers? Our uncompromising professionalism?

No. While all of these factors are important, the most important reason is – relationships. Business, first and foremost, is all about relationships.

Does this sound like marketing puff? To us it is not. Our entire business model is designed to be integrated with your company so that you build a strong level of rapport and relationship with your developer(s). And that is why only at Mega-minds you will find highly respected and senior Directors making, on record, statements such as, “I trust my Mega-minds, more than I trust myself!”

You’re Hiring From The Right Place… Find Out Why

5 huge benefits you get when you hire a Developer from Mega-minds

Meeting Unrealistic Deadlines

Commitment is our identity, as our clients have discovered. “My Mega-minds stayed up all night for multiple nights to deliver an unrealistic project on time,” said Emma Robinson, Marketing Director of UK-based Air4casts

Project on Track through Direct Control

Unlike with project outsourcing, you have total control over your Developers & easy access to your project. The benefit? You get to ensure your project never changes direction, thanks to constant access

Tested by Experts in Fixing Loopholes

Websites & mobile apps that the VE Developers build for you are 100% safe from threats because they’re tested before the launch by experts who are certified in plugging leaks, loopholes

300+ Developers with US, UK Clients

VE has a pool of 1000 Certified Developers of whom 300+ have 5 years of experience of working with clients only from US & UK. Plus, there are 500+ Developers with 3 years of similar experience